Григорий Громов (abcdefgh) wrote,
Григорий Громов

Очередная - теперь уже внутриамериканская - победа мусульман

- так расценивает Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations for Michigan, решение федерального судьи из "Арабской столицы Америки", как давно уже называют Детройт, запретить администрации дальнейшее наблюдения за телефонными, emails и пр. электронными коммуникациями с зарубежными странами.

    ... "The ruling is not only a victory for the American Muslim community... " said Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations for Michigan, which joined the ACLU as a plaintiff in the lawsuit ...[that] was filed on behalf of scholars, lawyers, journalists and non-profit groups that communicate with people in the Middle East and believe their phone calls and emails were being intercepted by the US secret service...

      ...Bush authorised the wiretaps in secret after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks on the US, but the covert program became public when it was revealed by the US media [NY Times] last year. The program allows the Government to eavesdrop on the international phone calls and emails of US citizens without obtaining a warrant, if the wiretaps are meant to track suspected al-Qa'ida agents.

    Source: Reuters, The Times. Bush ordered to halt tapping Correspondents in Detroit ..., August 19, 2006.

Это - выше - было продолжение к ранее здесь запосченному сообщению: "Судья в Детройте, флаг Хезболы там же и стрельба в Сиэтле".

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