Григорий Громов (abcdefgh) wrote,
Григорий Громов

Сочуствующие демократам СМИ провели опрос американцев о выборах 2012

Washington Post-ABC News Poll

This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone September
29-October 2 2011, among a random national sample of 1,002 adults, including
landline and cell phone-only respondents. The results from the full survey have
a margin of sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points. Sampling,
data collection and tabulation by Abt-SRBI of New York.

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job
as president? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or somewhat?

              -------- Approve --------   ------- Disapprove ------     No   
              NET   Strongly   Somewhat   NET   Somewhat   Strongly   opinion
10/2/11       42       21         21      54       14         40         4
9/1/11        43       21         22      53       16         38         3
8/9/11*       44       18         26      46        9         37        10
7/17/11       47       25         22      48       14         35         5
6/5/11        47       27         20      49       13         37         4
5/2/11**      56       29         27      38       14         24         6
4/17/11       47       27         21      50       12         37         3
3/13/11       51       27         24      45       12         33         4
1/16/11       54       30         23      43       15         28         3
12/12/10      49       24         25      47       15         32         4
10/28/10      50       27         23      45       11         34         5
10/28/10 LV   46       31         15      52        8         44         2
10/3/10       50       26         24      47       13         34         3
9/2/10        46       24         22      52       14         38         3
7/11/10       50       28         22      47       12         35         3
6/6/10        52       30         22      45       12         33         4
4/25/10       54       31         23      44       11         33         3
3/26/10       53       34         20      43        8         35         3
2/8/10        51       29         22      46       12         33         3
1/15/10       53       30         24      44       13         32         2
12/13/09      50       31         18      46       13         33         4
11/15/09      56       32         23      42       13         29         2
10/18/09      57       33         23      40       11         29         3
9/12/09       54       35         19      43       12         31         3
8/17/09       57       35         21      40       11         29         3
7/18/09       59       38         22      37        9         28         4
6/21/09       65       36         29      31       10         22         4
4/24/09       69       42         27      26        8         18         4
3/29/09       66       40         26      29        9         20         5
2/22/09       68       43         25      25        8         17         7
*Washington Post
**Washington Post/Pew Research Center poll

20. (ASKED OF LEANED REPUBLICANS) What's the single most important issue to
you in your choice for the Republican candidate for president?

Economy/jobs                               51
Deficit/debt/spending                      13
Ethics/Honesty/Corruption in government     7
Taxes                                       4
Health care                                 4
Morals/family values                        3
Social Security                             2
Immigration                                 1
Size/role of government                     1 
Education                                   1
Leadership                                  1
Business                                    1
Military                                    1
Beating Barack Obama                        1
Conservative                                1
Qualifications/Experience                   1
Foreign policy                              1
Gun control                                 1
Other                                       4
No opinion                                  5   

20a. (IF ECONOMY/JOBS) After the economy/jobs, what’s the next most important

Taxes                                      19
Health care                                11
Foreign policy                             10
Deficit/debt/spending                      10
Terrorism/security                          8
Education                                   6
Immigration                                 5
War in Afghanistan                          5
Military                                    4
Ethics/Honesty/Corruption in government     2
Housing/Mortgages                           2
Size/role of government                     2
Beating Barack Obama                        1
Conservative                                1
Gun control                                 1       
Morals/family values                        1
Social Security                             1
Other                                       1
No opinion                                  6   

21. (ASKED OF LEANED REPUBLICANS) If the 2012 Republican presidential primary
or caucus in your state were being held today, and the candidates were (Michele
Bachmann), (Herman Cain), (Chris Christie), (Newt Gingrich), (Jon Huntsman),
(Sarah Palin), (Ron Paul), (Rick Perry), (Mitt Romney), (Rick Santorum). For
whom would you vote? Which candidate would you lean toward?



                       All leaned Reps.   Among RVs
                           10/2/11        10/2/11
Mitt Romney                  21             20          
Herman Cain                  14             15          
Rick Perry                   14             15          
Chris Christie               10             10       
Sarah Palin                   9              8          
Ron Paul                      9              7          
Newt Gingrich                 6              7          
Michele Bachmann              4              4        
Rick Santorum                 1              2          
Jon Huntsman                  1              1          
Other (vol.)                  1              2        
No one/None of them (vol.)    3              3          
Would not vote (vol.)         *              *          
No opinion                    6              6      

28. (ASKED OF LEANED REPUBLICANS) Regardless of who you may support, would
you say that the more you hear about [ITEM] (the more you like him/her), or the
more you hear about [ITEM] (the less you like him/her)?

10/2/11 - Summary Table

                    More you   Less you     Makes no    Haven’t heard      No 
                      like       like     diff. (vol.)  enough (vol.)    opinion
a. Mitt Romney         38         35           10            11             6
b. Rick Perry          30         44            4            15             6
c. Sarah Palin         35         49            9             2             6
d. Chris Christie      43         23            4            20             9
e. Herman Cain         47         18            2            25             9

29. (ASKED OF LEANED REPUBLICANS) What's more important to you: supporting
the presidential candidate in your party (who you agree with most on the
issues), or the candidate (who's most likely to win in November 2012)?

            Agree on   Most likely       Same         Both    Neither    No
             issues      to win      person (vol.)   (vol.)    (vol.)    op.
10/2/11        73          20              1           2         1        3
2/25/07        85          13              0           *         1        1

30. (ASKED OF LEANED REPUBLICANS) Regardless of who you may support, between
only (Romney) and (Perry), who do you think [ITEM]?

10/2/11 - Summary Table
                                                             Both    Neither     No
                                           Romney   Perry   (vol.)   (vol.)    opinion
a. Better understands the problems of 
   people like you                           37       40       2        7        15
b. Has the better experience to be 
   president                                 50       30       3        3        13
c. Is closer to you on the issues            37       43       2        4        14  
d. Has the better chance to defeat Barack 
   Obama in the general election             51       31       5        3        10

31. (ASKED OF LEANED REPUBLICANS) Regardless of who you may support, between
only (Romney) and (Perry), who do you trust more to handle (ITEM)?

10/2/11 - Summary Table

                                                  Both    Neither   No
                                Romney   Perry   (vol.)    (vol.)   op.
a. Social Security                41      34        2        5      19
b. The economy                    44      35        3        5      14
c. Health care                    35      42        1        7      15
d. Immigration                    41      34        1        8      16
e. The federal budget deficit     44      34        2        5      15


33. Obama has announced that he is running for re-election in 2012. Would you
say you will definitely vote for him, you’ll consider voting for him, or you
definitely will not vote for him?

               Definitely     Will     Definitely     No 
                  will      consider    will not    opinion
10/2/11            22          30          46          2
10/2/11    RV      23          29          46          2
8/9/11***          20          33          44          2
8/9/11***  RV      21          30          46          2
6/5/11             24          29          45          1
6/5/11     RV      25          27          47          1
4/17/11            28          25          45          2
4/17/11    RV      30          23          46          1
12/12/10*          26          30          43          2
12/12/10*  RV      26          28          44          2
11/23/09**         24          31          41          4
*”If Obama runs...would you...”
**"Thinking ahead to 2012, at this point would you..."
***Washington Post

34. If (NAME) wins the Republican nomination for president would you
definitely vote for him in the general election for president in 2012, would you
consider voting for him or would you definitely not vote for him?

10/02/11 - Summary Table 

                       Definitely      Would       Definitely       No
                          would       consider      would not     opinion
a. Mitt Romney             19            37            37            7
b. Rick Perry              17            31            44            7

Trend where available:

a. Mitt Romney
                       Definitely      Would       Definitely       No
                          would       consider      would not     opinion
10/2/11                    19            37            37            7
9/30/07                     8            28            57            7
4/15/07                     7            32            54            8

b. No trend.

35. If the 2012 presidential election were being held today and the
candidates were (Barack Obama, the Democrat) and ([ITEM], the Republican), for
whom would you vote? Would you lean toward (Obama) or toward (ITEM)?


10/2/11 - Summary Table
                                     Other    Neither    Would not      No
                      Obama   Rep.   (vol.)    (vol.)   vote (vol.)   opinion
a. Mitt Romney          47     46       *         3          1           2
b. Rick Perry           49     44       1         3          2           2
c. Chris Christie       46     44       1         3          2           3


10/2/11 - Summary Table
                                     Other    Neither    Would not      No
                      Obama   Rep.   (vol.)    (vol.)   vote (vol.)   opinion
a. Mitt Romney          46     48       *         2          1           2
b. Rick Perry           49     46       1         2          1           2
c. Chris Christie       45     45       1         3          2           3

Trend where available:

a. Mitt Romney


                             Other    Neither    Would not      No
            Obama   Romney   (vol.)    (vol.)   vote (vol.)   opinion
10/2/11      47        46       *         3          1           2
9/1/11       46        47       *         2          3           2
7/17/11      51        44       *         2          1           2
6/5/11       47        47       *         2          1           2
4/17/11      49        45       *         3          1           2


                             Other    Neither    Would not      No
            Obama   Romney   (vol.)    (vol.)   vote (vol.)   opinion
10/2/11 RV   46        48       *         2          1           2
9/1/11 RV    45        49       *         2          2           2
7/17/11 RV   49        47       *         2          1           1
6/5/11  RV   46        49       *         2          1           2

36. Just your best guess, who do you think will win the presidential election
next year - (Obama) or (the Republican candidate)?

          Obama   Rep candidate   No opinion
10/2/11    37          55              8

37. What is your view of the Tea Party political movement - would you say you
support it strongly, support it somewhat, oppose it somewhat or oppose it

          -------- Support --------   --------- Oppose --------     No 
          NET   Strongly   Somewhat   NET   Somewhat   Strongly   opinion
10/2/11   42      12         30       47       20         27        11
9/1/11    47      13         35       45       18         27         8
7/17/11   44      13         31       46       23         24        10
6/5/11    46      13         33       44       21         24        10
4/17/11   42      16         26       49       21         27        10

901. Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as (a Democrat), (a
Republican), an independent or what? IF NOT DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN: Do you lean
more towards the (Democratic Party) or (Republican Party)?

Democrat        32
Republican      25
Independent     37
Other (vol.)     4
No opinion       1

908a. Would you say your views on most political matters are liberal,
moderate, or conservative?

Liberal               20
Moderate              36
Conservative          41
Don’t think in 
 those terms (vol.)    1
No opinion             1

INCOME. Which of the following CATEGORIES best describes your total annual
household income before taxes, from all sources?

Less than $50,000     55 
  Less than $20K      21
  $20K to $35K        19
  $35K to $50K        15 
More than $50,000     45
  $50K to $75K        15
  $75K to $100K       12
  $100K+              17 


Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/polls/postabcpoll_100211.html

Мне показался одним из наиболее информативных 28-ой раздел опроса где задавали следующий вопрос про кандидатов от республиканцской партии: чем больше вы узнаете про него, тем больше или тем меньше он Вам нравится. Оказалось что по этомупараметру сравнения впереди все идет Herman Cain с cамым выигрышным по этому параметру сравнения итогом 47 / 18

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