В этой связи на консервативного направления дискуссий блогах вновь возникли недоменные вопросы, как американские евреи могут хотя бы сами себе продолжать объяснять наблюдаемую средь их эпидемию массового безумия - регулярно подавляющим большиством голосуют они за демпартию, которая давно уже главное место сбора в стране всех самых отпетых из американских жидоедов, а вовсе не один лишь там Картер там такой:
ep41 writes: Sunday, April, 13, 2008 1:30 PM
Jewish Death-Wish
So Jimmy The Jerk is now lending legitimacy to the folks in Hamas who convince mentally disturbed fourteen-year-olds to strap on vests packed with explosives and ball bearings and then to walk into a pizza parlor and set themselves off.
The amazing thing is is that there are still Jewish people in this country dumb and self-loathing enough to vote for any Democrat when the sentiment in the party is so obviously anti-Israel.
Anti-Israel, BTW in case you havent been following closely, means every Israeli DEAD at the hands of these monsters. I guess when you were born a liberal you were born stupid and we shouldnt criticize too harshly.
GPC007 writes:
Sunday, April, 13, 2008 5:37 PM
Theres not an iota of doubt in my mind that Carter is an anti-semite.
There is also not an iota of doubt in my mind that if Carter ever decided to run for President again, 80% of my fellow Jews would be falling all over themselves to vote for him.
As Michael Savage says: "Liberalism is a mental disorder."
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